Katarzyna Karska

PhD, is a senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages of Medical University of Lublin, Poland. Her academic interesnt include Conceptual Metaphor Theory and its potential both in facilitating the didactic process and the diagnosis making. She also focuses on the roles conceptual metaphors play in stress-generating medical environment, radiology, ESP and translation, as well as in the didacticprocesses and communication. She is also affiliated with Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (MCSU)  where she teaches medical translation  to post graduate students.

Medical University of Lublin is the place where she spends most time teaching specialist terminology as well as coordinating both the activities of the Students’ Association for the Polish – English Medical Communication and the work of teachers of Polish as a foreign language.

She has worked at the Medical University of Lublin for more than 15 years. There, I have been involved both in teaching ESP and medical translation.  Teaching future medics requires more than just providing them with specialist terminology so my role is to equip them with the abilities to conduct an empathetic and successful communication with their patients.

ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0719-7243


  • Karska, Katarzyna; Prażmo, Ewelina. 2017. “Didactic Potential of Metaphors Used in Medical Discourse.” in Linguistics Beyond And Within 3, 2017, 102-116 Prażmo, Ewelina. 2017. “The appeal of -ing in the creation of anglicised forms in Polish and other languages. A cognitive perspective.” in Form, Meaning and Function in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ed. by Karolina Drabikowska, Marietta Izdebska and Anna Prażmowska). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 41-58
  • Karski, Jacek; Karski, Tomasz; Karska, Katarzyna; Pyrc, Jarosław. 2017. „Ankle Joint Pathlology of Car Drivers and Passengers. Case Report”. In American Research Journal of Medicine and Surgery. ISSN (Online) : 2379-8955. Volume 2, 12 pages
  • Karski, Tomasz; Karski, Jacek; Karska, Klaudia; Karska, Katarzyna; Menet, Honorata. 2017. „Pathology of the hip, knee, shank and spine due to the habit of standing 'at ease’ on the right leg”. In Locomotor System, Vol. 24, 2017, No. 2. pp. 19-33
  • Karski, Tomasz; Karski, Jacek; Karska Katarzyna; Karska, Klaudia; Menet; Honorata. 2018. „Prophylactic Rules for Newborns, Babies, Children and Adults in problems of Hip, Knee, Shank, Feet and Spine”. In Orthopedic Research Online Journal. Crimson Publishers. ISSN: 2576-8875
  • Karski, Tomasz; Karski, Jacek; Karska, Katarzyna; Karska, Klaudia; Menet, Honorata. 2018. „Prophylactic rules for newborns, babies, children and adults in problems of hip, knee, shank, feet and spine. Orthop. Res. Online J. [online] 2018 vol. 2 nr 1 s. 1-3, bibliogr, [przeglądany 11 maja 2018]. Dostępny w: http://crimsonpublishers.com/oproj/abstract/OPROJ.000530.php.
  • Karski, Tomasz; Karski, Jacek; Karska, Klaudia; Karska, Katarzyna; Menet, Honorata. 2018. „Prophylaxis of Illnesses and Deformations of Hips, Knees, Feet and Spine – An Important Aim of Physiotherapists, Pediatricians and General Doctors”. In Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation International. Austing Publishing Group. Open Access.


Presentation at conferences

  • 17th Lublin Workshops of Biophysics in Kazimierz, Poland – 2010.06.10-11 Fonetyka Akustyczna Angielskich Fonemów; Badania Mowy studentów pochodzenia tajwańskiego (Acustic Phonetics of English Phonemes; Speech examination of students of Taiwanese origin)
  • Linguistics Beyond and Within at Cathiolic University of Lublin, Poland – 2015. 10. 22-23 – Reasons for doctors to incorporate metaphorical structures into their communication with the patients
  • 2nd Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics at Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland – 2016.06. 20 – Conceptual metaphors in Radiology
  • Linguistics Beyond and Within at Cathiolic University of Lublin, Poland – 2016. 10. 20-21 – Metaphor in medical discourse
  • Linguistics Beyond and Within at Cathiolic University of Lublin, Poland – 2016. 10. 20-21  – Food – related conceptual metaphors in radiology
  • National Scientific- Training Conference – Communication as challange of Conterporary Medicine at Medical University of Lublin, Poland – 2017.11.18 – Conceptual Metaphors as tools for better communication
  • 24th annual NATE Russia Intenational Convention and English Language Expo „Shaping minds, Enriching Souls, Changing lives”  in Rostov, Russia – 2018. 04.18-20 – Conceptual Metaphors in the English Language Classroom
  • 2018.05 17-18 – Conceptual Metaphors as Didactoc Tool – presented at the conference 2nd New Trends in Foreign Languag Teaching” at the University of Granada, Spain
  • 4th International Conference on Figurative Thought and Language at the Catholic University of Portugal, Braga 2018. 10.26 –  Medical Discourse and conceptual metaphors
  • National Scientific- Training Conference – Communication as challange of Conterporary Medicine at Medical University of Lublin, Poland – 2018.11.17 – Conceptual metaphors for communication in stress-generating medical environment – awarded with distinction
  • International Confernce Cultural and Environmental Factors in Socio-Cognitive Development at Catholic University of Lublin, Poland – 2018.11.23 – Metaphors in doctor-patient interaction and communication
  • Scientific Conterence TEXTS 9 Literary and Cultural Studies at Cathiolic University of Lublin, Poland – 2018.12.12 – Conceptual metaphors in medical environment
  • 6th International IATEFL Poland ESP SIG Event at the University of Life Sciencies in Lublin, Poland – 2019.01.26 – Metaphors for specific purposes
  • 5th TRANSLATORS’ CONVENTION Professionalism in focus: technical, medical and scientific translation, at Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland – 2019.04.06 – Conceptual metaphor (CM) in medcial translation (MT)
  • 2019.04.06 – Head of the scientific commettee for the poster session of 5th TRANSLATORS’ CONVENTION Professionalism in focus- technical, medical and scientific translation, at Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland
  • Natioanal Scientific Conference Medius Currens 4: Quo vadis, translation? held at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland-  2019.05.10-11 – Medical translation and conceptual Metaphor
  • 2019.05.10-11 – Head of the scientific commettee for the poster session of Natioanal Scientific Conference Medius Currens 4: Quo vadis, translation? held at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
  • Poster Exhibition organised by Students’ Assosiation for Polish-English Medical Communication at Foreign Language Department of at Medical University of Lublin, Poland – 2019. 04.13 – Conceptual Metaphors as tools for better communication –
  • DILLE Conference at the University of Malta – 2019.05.23-25 – Conceptual Metaphors in the language classroom
  • Culture, Cognition, Communication, Language and Culture in Social Cognition at Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland – 2019.11.21-22 – Conceptual metaphor in stress-generating medical contexts
  • Communication as Challange of Conterporary Medicine at Medical University of Lublin, Poland – 2019.11.23 – Health Literacy jako warunek efektywnej komunikacji w systemie ochrony zdrowia – przegląd badań z wykorzystaniem Europejskiego Kwestionariusza Kompetencji Zdrowotnych (HLS-EU-Q16) w  latach 2010-2018 (Health Literacy as the condition for effective communication in the healthcare system)
  • Communication as Challange of Conterporary Medicine at Medical University of Lublin, Poland – 2019.11.23 – Empathy in physiotherapy
  • Communication as Challange of Conterporary Medicine at Medical University of Lublin, Poland – 2019.11.23 – Metody pomocne w komunikacji z pacjentkę w 'jesieni życia’ (Methods helpful in communication with patient in her golden years’)
  • Communication as Challange of Conterporary Medicine at Medical University of Lublin, Poland –  2019.11.23 – Komunikacja niewerbalna w pracy pielęgniarki (Nonverbal communication in the work of a nurse)
  • Communication as Challange of Conterporary Medicine at Medical University of Lublin, Poland – 2019.11.23 – Wybrane aspekty komunikacji terapeutycznej pomiędzy pielęgniarką a pacjentem hospitalizowanym (Sellected elements of a therapeutic communication between a nurse and a hospitalised patient)
  • Communication as Challange of Conterporary Medicine at Medical University of Lublin, Poland – 2019.11.23 – Rola rodziców/ opiekunów  w procesie domowej terapii ręki spastycznej u dzieci z połowiczą postacią mózgowego porażenia dziecięcego (The role of parents/ caregivers in the spastic hand home therapy in children withinfantile cerebral palsy)


Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference – 2020.03.4-5 – Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems– paper accepted


Improwizacja jako narzędzie do zabawy metaforą; metafora jako narzędzie do zabawy improwizacją – Katarzyna Karska i Anna Krajewska